Dealing with Pain, Your Way

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If you deal with arthritis pain, chances are you have probably been experiencing symptoms for a while. Recurring pain over a period of longer than three months is considered chronic pain. 

The longer that chronic pain persists, the more difficult it can be to treat and reverse. However, by understanding the different factors that can affect your pain perception, you can begin to notice your response patterns, and devise alternative methods of coping. 

Finding pain relief often requires finding a combination of methods that can complement one another by targeting the nervous system in different ways. Some methods rely on blocking pain signals, while others quiet them. 

Biological, psychological and social factors all contribute to the experience of pain in different ways. Research indicates that the best programs for managing arthritis pain include ways to address all three components. 

Biological Factors:  

  • Age 

  • Prior Injury 

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) 

  • Level of bone degeneration 

Psychological Factors: 

  • Anxiety or Depression 

  • Level of optimism 

  • Resilience 

Social Factors:

  • Sense of community 

  • Income / Household support

  • Gender, Race, Ethnicity

There is no one-size-fits-all plan for treating arthritis pain. For many sufferers of this condition, trying different options and seeing what works best for you and your lifestyle is the best roadmap to success. 

Curious how others with arthritis cope with pain? Head over to Arthritis Together, our online community, to learn from people like you and share your story.


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